Wednesday, 26 September 2012

If I Were a Boy?

Do you ever think to be another gender besides of yours? Well, I am not such a person who ever think that way, (at least I am pretty grateful how I grow normally until today) but come on, today is really out of my mind. Now, I am in senior high school and I get into social class, most of my class mates are girls and around 14 are boys. We are 38, and you can imagine how unstable it is. Frankly speaking, I never doubt about this situation, but today at my class we were chatting about who is the most attractive boys in my class. You know, it is common for girls to talk about this but because I did not involve in since the beginning, I did not listen much what the topic is. 

It happens when one of my friend Martha asked ***** whom she likes and she said none of them is her type. Every girl is booing on her and asked for another name so she may choose one by one. But again she nodded and said nobody. All girls turned wilder, they forced her to say at least one name, and I still remember how my class is so crowded of girls’ voice at that time. Good, and she replied, if I were a boy, she will like me in certain. Everybody was in silenced, and stared at me. I was purely innocent, I did not know anything so I stared them back and questioning what is wrong. 

They asked me to come closer and my friend who admitted her claim was blushing. I thought it was pretty normal so I asked back, hey buddy, what is so amazing from me? I do not feel like having good attitude. Then she replies, “You know, boys are totally hyperactive here, and you are the person who is calm at class but when you speak on public, it amazes me.” Then I pointed out one’s boy who has the same personalities as mine and asked why not she liked him, and then she replied, “You know, he has gotten a girlfriend already, if you were a boy, things would be different”. Her claim is not astonishing for me but what she did is out of my mind, she ran and holds on the window and smiled alone. You can predict how my friends’ reaction…………. I do not want to remember that anymore. 

 It seemed like she was enjoying her happiness by saying that; but again, I did not mean to say it was creepy okay? I cannot describe it but again, let me emphasize this, I AM NORMAL, buddy! And thanks for the compliments by saying I am pretty calm but amazing on public. Lols~

How I know my friends are talking about boys at that time? Of course I asked for the chronological event, so I can share this story for you C:

No matter how creepy this world is, there is always good things behind it C:

Monday, 24 September 2012

Penyebab Industri Jepang Dapat Berkembang Pesat

Jika dikaji melalui aspek sosial, ekonomi dan letak geografis Jepang, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan Jepang sangat berkembang pesat di bidang industri, meliputi:
1.      Sumber daya alam yang melimpah dan lahan yang subur, mengingat letak negara Jepang yang maritim dan dipenuhi oleh dataran tinggi vulkanis serta dikelilingi oleh lautan.
2.      Memiliki tenaga kerja dengan kualitas yang terlatih dan terampil serta memiliki etos kerja yang tinggi
3.      Memiliki sistem ekonomi proteksi dumpling, yaitu menjual barang di luar negeri lebih murah dibandingkan harga di dalam negeri.
4.      Penghargaan terahadap hak cipta yang tinggi

Kawasan Industri (Industrial Estate) Dan Kawasan Berikat (Bonden Zone)

Pemusatan industri umumnya dilakukan dengan membentuk kawasan industri. Dalam pemusatan kawasan industri dikenal dengan istilah industrial estate. Industrial estate yaitu suatu kawasan tempat pemusatan industri yang dilengkapi dengan sarana prasarana yang meliputi lahan dan lokasi yang strategis serta fasilitas lainnya seperti listrik, air, telepon, jalan dan tempat pembuangan limbah. Sarana dan prasarana yang ada di wilayah tersebut disediakan oleh perusahaan yang ada di sekitar wilayah tersebut. Awalnya usaha pengelolaan kawasan industri juga sudah mulai dilakukan oleh pihak swasta. 

Pemusatan kawasan industri bertujuan untuk memberikan dampak positif baik bagi perkembangan industri itu sendiri. Adanya kawasan industri mempermudah kegiatan industri yang pada akhirnya akan mendorong percepatan pertumbuhan industri. Beberapa contoh kawasan industri Indonesia antara lain di kawasan Pulogadung dan kawasan Sunter (Jakarta), kawasan Cikarang (Bekasi), Cilegon (Banten), Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), Rungkut (Surabaya), kawasan industri Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan), Batam dan Medan (Sumatera Utara). Sedangkan kawasan lokasi industri terbesar berada di antara sungai Thames dan gerbang luar Thames di London.

Secara umum, konsep pembentukan kawasan pemusatan industri bertujuan untuk:
1.      Untuk menciptakan konsentrasi infrastruktur khusus di daerah yang terbatas sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya.
2.       Untuk dapat menarik bisnis baru dengan menyediakan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dalam satu lokasi.
3.      Untuk menjauhkan industri-industri dari daerah perkotaan serta mencoba untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari penggunaan industri.
4.      Untuk menyediakan kontrol lingkungan lokal yang khusus untuk kebutuhan kawasan industri.

Ada pula kawasan industri yang disebut dengan kawasan berikat (Bonden Zone). Kawasan ini merupakan suatu kawasan industri terbatas yang memiliki ketentuan khusus di bidang pabean. Ketentuan khusus pabean tersebut adalah bebas dari bea cukai atau pungutan pajak negara karena suatu produk barang memiliki tujuan impor dan ekspor. Sedangkan menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 22 Tahun 1986 bab 1, pasal 1, ayat 1 yang mengatur tentang kawasan berikat menyatakan bahwa kawasan Berikat (Bonded Zone) ialah suatu kawasan dengan batas-batas tertentu di wilayah pabean Indonesia yang di dalamnya diberlakukan ketentuan khusus di bidang pabean, yaitu terhadap barang yang dimasukkan dari luar daerah pabean atau dari dalam daerah pabean Indonesia lainnya tanpa terlebih dahulu dikenakan pungutan bea, cukai dan/atau pungutan negara lainnya sampai barang tersebut dikeluarkan untuk tujuan impor, ekspor, atau re-ekspor.
Kawasan tersebut memiliki tiga fungsi yaitu sebagai tempat penyimpanan, penimbunan dan pengolahan barang yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri. Contoh kawasan berikat di Indonesia adalah PT. Kawasan Berikat Indonesia yang meliputi Tanjung Priok, Cakung dan Batam.

Terkait dengan kawasan berikat dikenal pula industri berikat (industrial linkage). Industri berikat adalah suatu industri yang memiliki keterikatan ke dalam suatu industri utama. Keterikatan yang terjadi umumnya berupa ikatan elemen-elemen industri seperti lahan, modal, mesin, tenaga kerja, informasi, pasar transportasi dan unsur lainnya yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan industri.

Industri berikat pada dasarnya memiliki keterkaitan proses, keterkaitan subkontrak, keterkaitan jasa, keterkaitan produk. Misalnya, industri garmen (industri pakaian jadi), akan  dikelilingi oleh industri-industri lainnya yang terkait erat dengan industri tersebut. Industri garmen tersebut akan berkaitan dengan industri tekstil sebagai penyedia bahan baku utama, industri kancing, industri benang, dan industri aksesoris pakaian. Tentunya keberadaan industri-industri pendukung tersebut tidak hanya membantu dalam hal menekan biaya produksi dan transport industri utamanya yaitu pakaian jadi, melainkan juga mendorong dan mengembangkan eksistensi industri pendukung pakaian jadi tersebut.

 Uli,Marah dan Mulyadi Asep.Geografi SMA untuk Kelas XII. Jakarta: Esis. 2004.

Semoga bermanfaat C:

Friday, 21 September 2012

Aku Harus Aktif

Writer's note: Suer, ni request tergaje yang pernah Penulis dapat dari salah satu teman Penulis, pasti dia viewers pertama dari post ini. Hahahahahha~ Menulis puisi dengan tema aktif? wqwq~ Mungkin agak jelek, tapi karena Penulis punya sedikit unsur kharismatik (Over confident), ya boleh deh bantu-bantu dikit. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang membutukan. (Sorry kalo gak begitu dapet feel na, temanya ane sih).

Dari dulu hingga kini
Mulut tak berucap jari kuku terlipat
Ketika guru menanti ada yang memberi sandi
Menunggu sosok terjun jari memberi pendapat
Aku hening, aku sunyi tak bergeliat
Kali ini aku lagi yang duduk pasif sendiri

Aku seperti robot pintar tapi tak bergerak
Berjuta-juta operasi kerja suda di otak
Namun tak bertekanan nyali tinggi untuk berjalan
Mungkin takut? Mungkin cemas salah? Mungkin terhambat?
Aku pun tak mengerti apa yang salah

Aku harus aktif bila tak ingin sendiri
Bila ku tak mau tidak dihargai dan disampingi
Bila ku tak mau pendapatku terbuang sia-sia
Bila ku tak mau dicap anak pasif tak bernada
Siapa peduli apa yang kupikirkan
Jika hanya kupendam tertelan harapan

Wahai ketakutan, pasti akan kuterjang
Salah benar itu urusan belakang
Aku harus menyalakan tombol aktif itu
Supaya menjadi bagian dari mereka sampai ke hulu
Supaya kelak aku tak lagi termakan pilu

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Saturday, 15 September 2012

Today Is My Last Year, I Will Really Miss High School!

I still remember the first time I stepped on my senior high school, SMA Santu Petrus, I sat on the bench in the morning and there were lot of new students those who I did not know. For the demonstration class, I got into XB, after several tests, the first day I got into high school, I felt pretty bored because some of them are used to be my friends in junior high school. As the result of the test, I got into XB, the class is quite good, quite fascinating, and quite enjoyable but it did not stay in my memories longer, probably I feel less comfy or anything else? I also do not know about that. First of all, I thought that I wanted to be a dentist, but it seems like I am not such a science-minded student, I prefer social class than science class. 

A year after that, I moved to newly environment, atmosphere and new friends of course. Some seniors said social class is dully and less active, most of the achievements came from science class, the one which was popular at that time only economy competition students. Honestly, my mom rejected me to sign into social class, but I did not know why I still insisted on social class at that time, gratefully at last mom agreed and I got into XII IS 1. This is a nice class, and do not find anything wrong from this class, but as the time goes by, I really focused on a lot of competition, I still remembered in the first semester, I left my school life for 2 months to achieve what I want the most, winning in something. I replay the same things in the second semester, as the result, I was not sociable with some friends, and I always felt bored. 

The good news is that they always tried to adapt with my existence, although I sometimes I did not feel good with their forcibly face. I do love that class, but it only lasts for several months for me. The craziest thing is that when we had recollection, our debate teacher picked me to practice and I lost my precious time with my class. Poor me...  But even I did not regret on that, and I really thank to my coach until today because we achieve more than we expect, but sometimes I felt so sorry too towards my last class. I did not become a good part inside of the class and I miss most of good moments with them.

This year is my best moment, I can say my status quo is a retired player, probably we will debate again someday but not in this year I think. I spend a lot of time with my class, a peaceful recollection, out bound, BBQ party, lunch together and so on. There is something beautiful inside of this class but it is indescribable. I really wonder how to tell you, but thing are really different. We are supportive class, we care each other, sometimes mocking each other, sometimes we think in rational and serious way, we support, we rebel, we make the class as comfort as possible and always find our path together.

One day I realize something, someday I will lose all this great moment, 6 or 7 months later, all of these will fade away. Sometimes fool mindset comes to me, why should I grow up if I will lose everything? You know, to be an adult is such a scary thing, why? It is quite difficult to gather all your friends someday, and not to mention we will go to separate way, each way has different purpose and destiny.
I do believe that probably one day we will meet someday, but will things back up to the same like today or several days ago? Will it be a funny laughter, a great annoyance, a shabby look and nice atmosphere again? Nobody will promise on the same thing. World changes rapidly, people also turn to different way in a quick time.

 Nobody know the answer, but one thing for sure, I will really miss my high school someday.