Friday, 27 July 2012


Hello everybody,
Today I am not giving you a newest anime. Although I love anime very much, of course I cannot watch all of anime of the year. I start to watch anime since 2007. Some good anime in the past that I haven't watched, there are also phenomenon. I watch Claymore nowadays. It is a fiction, a gloomy dark and cruel anime. I start to like it when I understand the moral value of this anime. It is said that even a heartless person has a heart, meaning love is everywhere, no matter how cruel someone is, love is always everywhere.

Episode count: 23
Genre :
Once in a human world, the demons, Yoma are possessing humans and threatening human being. An organization called as The Organization created a half Yoma and half human form to destroy Yoma and one of them is Claire. Calire and other girls are called as Claymore, a group of specimen that is created to kill Yoma, and one day when they over used their Yoma power, they will turn to Yoma itself and send a black card to other Claymore to kill each other. The existence of Claymore is a hatred of human because some people think they will turnn to Yoma one day so nobody want to interact with Claymore. 

One day, Claire killed a Yoma in a village, that Yoma has transformed into a human and was a brother of a kid named Raki. Raki's parents were being killed by Yoma and he has gotten only one brother. His brother turned to Yoma since the death of his parents. 

Raki thanks to Claire by helping him to kill Yoma although Claire also killed his only brother. Raki decided to follow wherever Claire goes. Claire started to treat Raki as her brother and protects him from the demons even people claim Claymore are heartless and cruel in killing Yoma. Having Raki by her side, Claire feels the same fate that happens to her when she was a human.

The setting of this anime is in dramatic atmosphere. Medieval Island I think it is adapted as a village of old Gemany style. 

Good anime to watch but I don't recommend you to watch it if you don't like blood and tense anime

Enjoy C:   

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Friday, 20 July 2012

Aku dan Si Lalat

Suer, seumur hidupku aku gak pernah sebete ini!!! Bayangin coba kalo ada lalat di kamar lo, terbang ke sana kemari, ke lemari lah, ke meja lah, ke rak buku lah, paling parah tempat tidur. Anjritt!! Maka aku paling risih ke tempat yang banyak lalat. Mungkin kalian pikir aku adalah putri dari kerajaan tajir mana gitu yang sampai sok higenisnya sampai gak mau liat lalat, tapi jujur aja ya, I am not a princess, OK. 

Dari kecil aku paling gak seneng ma lalat, suaranya itu mengelikan, jijik juga binatang itu, matanya bulat kotak-kotak gitu, hitam legam, banyak kuman lagi. Aku masih inget hari pertama benci lalat, waktu itu gara-gara ada seekor lalat di ruang makan, terus gua pukul pakek majalah, pas diliat mayat tuh lalat, ternyata keluar larvanya. Apa yang aku lakukan? Ya buang lah tuh lalat ke kloset, terus cepat-cepat cuci tangan. (Orang bego yang masih lihat, tu larva bisa nembus kulit, cuma bisa mati kalo dilap pakek alkohol sebelum nembus kulit, kalo masuk nembus kulit, dia bisa berkembang di darah, lo bayangin deh apa cerita selanjutnya).  

Igh, merinding banget setiap dengar suara tuh lalat. Apa lagi yang warnanya hijau, biasa lebih nyaring. Rumor bilang sih lalat hijau itu biasa hinggap di mayat, itu yang bikin aku makin jijik level 99!!! Aku lagi kerja karya ilmiah malam ini, tiba-tiba dengar suara dengungan lalat. Entah dari mana masuknya, kamar gua tertutup rapat juga. Pas denger, kaki sudah siap siaga ambil raket nyamuk, pas diliat malah gak ada. Panik banget, lalatnya tiba-tiba menyerang pas di wajah serempeng ke kanan dikit dan melaju ke atas lagi. WAAAAGHH!!??!! Terkontaminasi sudah pikirku. Si lalat mendarat rendah dan melandas ke lantai keramik, secara refleks aku ambil buku TOEFL gua yang tebal, terus gua timpuk tu lalat hingga akhir hayatnya. 

Jujur aku merasa bersalah. Sorry lalat, aku gak maksud bunuh kamu, tapi suer lebih baik kamu jangan datang ke hidupku. Aku gak mau nyentuh mayat tuh lalat, geli sih. Terus aku liat ada pensil batang Centara Grand (dapatnya nyolong deh kalo gak salah, di hotel Bangkok, wkwkwk) dan satunya gak bermerek. Ya aku sumpitin tuh lalat terus buang ke kloset dan di siram. Habis itu ya kayak biasa, cuci tangan, wajib itu!!

Ya gitu deh perlakuan aku ke lalat. Sory sob, ini tragedi emang harus terjadi. Kalo gua diajak buat nemuin pemulung, masih OKlah, gua gak takut kotor atau sampah dan baunya apa gitu, bagi aku semua kerja bagus asal halal di mata Tuhan. Tapi berkecimpung dengan lalat, aku angkat tangan. Tiada binatang yang bikin gua geger selain lalat. Peace lalat! Jangan pernah ke kamar gua lagi. Kalo lo hinggap mulu, gua musti ganti sprei tempat tidur berapa kali? Berapa kali gua musti lap meja? Entar gua jadi kurusan gara-gara lo ngurus kamar melulu. Mending gua gini aja deh, OK?? 

Sebenci-bencina gua ma ras lo, gua doain deh semoga hidupmu gak ditakdirkan lagi untuk ketemu gua, lebih panjang umur dan berbahagia selalu. Jujur aku nyesal nimpuk lo, soalnya bencinya gua ke lo sudah takdir, lo terbangnya cepat, kalo aku usir keluar susah, malah entar nyamuk pula yang masuk. 
Maaf, kawan..........

Semoga berbahagia selalu.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Kepedulian Masyarakat Pontianak Terhadap Kemacetan

Akhir-akhir ini sangat mudah menemukan kemacetan di wilayah kota Pontianak. Buktinya setiap malam minggu diberlakukan satu jalur di jalan Gajahmada, Tanjungpura dan area sekitarnya untuk mencegah terjadinya kemacetan. Mungkin Pembaca bertanya-tanya sesungguhnya apa yang telah terjadi pada kota Pontianak kita yang dulu. Kota yang dulunya terbebas dari kemacetan, sedikit kendaraan roda dua dan empat serta lebih banyak orang yang berjalan kaki ataupun mengendarai sepeda. 

Namun sekarang zaman sudah berubah, seiring berjalannya waktu dan perekonomian masyarakat yang sebagian semakin membaik dan jumlah peningkatan penduduk dalam kota, masyarakat berbondong-bondong atau bahkan berlomba-lomba memiliki kendaraan pribadi. Hal ini diperparah dengan sistem kredit kendaraan yang diterapkan produsen kendaraan dan dukungan pemerintah. Dengan 250 ribu rupiah Pembaca sudah bisa membawa pulang sebuah motor dengan mencicil uang harga motor selama waktu yang ditentukan dengan bunga nol persen. Alhasil animo masyarakat terhadap kendaraan baru meningkat dan pembelian motor oleh masyarakat meledak. Misalnya saja dilansir oleh Tribunnews 10 Juni 2012 yang lalu, salah satu perusahaan motor terkenal, Yamaha menargetkan penjualan motor sebanyak 3.600 unit per bulan di Kalbar. Artinya kurang lebih sebanyak 120 unit motor yang akan terjual per harinya. Tanpa perlu diragukan, target utama tentunya masyarakat kota yang terkenal sibuk dan pusat industri serta lapangan kerja. Bayangkan saja apa yang akan terjadi apabila dalam satu hari penambahan motor sebanyak itu memenuhi jalan kota Pontianak, itupun baru satu merek kendaraan, belum secara keseluruhan.
Jl. Tanjung Pura tempo dulu
Jl. Tanjung Pura saat ini
Hal ini diperparah lagi dengan keputusan Pemerintah yang menurunkan harga cicilan pembayaran muka pembelian mobil bagi masyarakat yang awal mulanya dari 75 juta rupiah menjadi hanya 25 juta rupiah di tahun 2012. Sekarang cukup mudah bagi siapa saja untuk membeli kendaraan roda empat. Dengan cicilan 5 bulan dan bunga nol persen, masyarakat kelas menegah bisa memiliki mobil ukuran kecil yang sudah terbilang lumayan untuk berpergian di dalam kota untuk satu keluarga. Tidak hanya itu, lihat saja pada pagi hari, cukup mudah ditemukan banyak kendaraan beroda empat yang hanya diisi oleh satu penumpang saja. Padahal dengan mengangkut lebih banyak penumpang, kemacetan bisa lebih sederhana diatasi. Dilansir oleh Kompol Boy Samola, Kasat Lantas Polestra Pontianak pada tahun 2011, Pontianak terancam mengalami kemaceta total menginjak tahun 2015. Hal ini disebabkan karena peningkatan kendaraan dari hari ke hari dan tidak didukung oleh pelebaran jalan serta regulasi yang efektif.

 Pemerintah seakan-akan kehilangan solusi, yang diberlakukan hanya pengalihan jalan dan pemberlakuan satu jalur jalan. Rencana pelebaran jalan biasanya juga tidak berjalan lancar karena masyarakat Pontianak sebagai subjek utama juga tidak disiplin terhadap regulasi. Bila ada gerakan pelebaran jalan, masyarakat justru protes dan menghentikan proses dengan alasan menggangu usaha yang dijalankan dan merasa dirugikan.  Belum lagi masalah pedagang kaki lima dan parkir liar yang memakan porsi jalan.

Jika permasalahan ini tidak segera diatasi selama 2 tahun kedepan, alhasil Pontianak akan tumbuh menjadi Jakarta yang baru. Hal ini diperparah pula dengan ledakan penduduk yang diprediksi terjadi beberapa tahun ke depan. Kendaraan akan semakin bertambah, kemacetan akan terjadi di mana-mana. Akibatnya efisiensi waktu tidak terkendali, dalam jangka panjang masyarakat menjadi kurang produktif dan bahkan berpotensi menurunkan daya saing baik ekonomi dan kesehatan. Lihat saja Jakarta, untuk bepergian sangat tidak flexibel, lebih banyak memakan waktu di jalan karena kemacetan selama berjam-jam, jumlah polusi udara meningkat setiap tahunnya karena jumlah kendaraan yang tidak terkontrol. Pada akhirnya semua berdampak kepada masyarakat.

Pemerintah disaranakan untuk mengambil solusi yang cepat dan efektif. Salah satunya adalah dengan menciptakan regulasi pembatasan jumlah kendaraan yang boleh dimiliki oleh masyarakat per keluarga seperti yang diterapkan pemerintah Singapura dan Thailand serta pelebaran jalan. Regulasi-regulasi ini tentunya tidak luput dari berbagai kendala, regulasi ini tentunya akan berjalan dengan baik jika masyarakat Pontianak senantiasa bekerjasama menaati peraturan. Pemerintah juga harus memperbaiki fasilitas umum menjadi lebih aman dan nyaman. Dengan demikian masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir untuk berpergian dengan fasilitas umum.

Dengan kerjasama dan perhatian baik pemerintah dan masyarakat terhadap kota Pontianak, permasalahan kemacetan sesungguhnya bisa diatasi mulai dari sedini mungkin. Alhasil kota Pontianak akan menjadi kota yang tertata dan mencerminkan masyarakat yang lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Holiday In Bangkok

Do you ever visit Bangkok, Thailand? Yes? No? I would like to share you some of my experience and knowledge about Bangkok. (Let me remind you, OK? It's all about my personal information, but I will provide you with some facts). 

I visited Bangkok for nearly 9 days. The first thing when you arrive in Bangkok is hotel. We stayed in Chinatown Inn. Pretty cheap, around 875 B for one night and included breakfast, three stars hotel, everyday room make up and free water and Wi-fi everyday. Chinatown Inn is a strategic place for culinary, so you are exactly in the center of the city. The name of the street is Yaowarat and it's very crowded. Several shopping malls are around there, cheap and expensive restaurants are here too. 

The best food from this area are Texas Suki, Pizza company and street hawkers meatball. You can find fresh juice everywhere, lime, orange and even exotic fruit you have never seen. People are friendly but mostly can't speak English, but you can count on your gesture and they are quick learner citizens.

Mostly hawkers sell seafood and oriental food (a lot of pork and chicken here), but some of the hawkers food are quite expensive especially lobster and crabs. Other are totally cheap and enjoyable. In the morning, you can find rush hours around 7-9 am. The street is full of cars, bus, Tutut (traditional transportation, like a tricycle but very polluting), motorcycles and cabs. I hate to go out at that time, so we start to visit places around 10 am. 

The weather is quite hot but it rains a lot, so quite balance but unfriendly. Tourists are everywhere and very crowded except weekend. If you like to shop with cheap and qualified items, you can visit MBK mall, it's quite near, you can have it with taxi for 100-150 B in one way. If you like expensive hot items, you can visit Siam Paragon, the biggest mall here with fashionable people inside and indeed rocket price stuff, you can find taxi everywhere and it's around 200-350 B in one way. You can find great architecture of temple everywhere, thousands, legions temples are located in Bangkok. The etiquette here, you may not touch monk (especially females) and people are quite polite here, so don't be rude.

Looking for floating market? You can find it easily, just take a taxi for 1300 B, the place of floating market is outside of Bangkok city and you can find fresh lychee, mangoes and durian. Fresh coconut sugar drink and nice temple again.

With 1300 B taxi, you can ask the cab to deliver you in some other interesting place too, so not only floating market, you can add 2 more, so 3 places for 1300 B+ sending you home (of course). I visited gem factory and a souvenir center. There are lot of gems there, from a rare and common one. I see it's pretty cheap and good quality and souvenirs are pretty affordable and unique. You can ask some discount here and it depends on how much money you spend. I pretty remember spend on 400-500 B for souvenir, and the owner gave me discount for 20% lols.
If you like artistic items from wood, paintings and so on, you can visit Chatuchat market. It's around 200 B from Chinatown Inn with taxi. Beside Chatuchat, there is a shopping mall again, pretty cheap and complete. 

Everything is quite easy when you want to eat and have a vacation, anyway if you plan to visit a beach, you can visit Pattaya. It's 4 or 5 hours from Bangkok with bus. You can pay for 400 B for one ticket and th ebt time is departing at 11 am. In Pattaya there is walking street, some shopping malls and ehemm.. stripping dancer, pubs, bars and elite restaurants. You can walk around there it is quite easy to find money changer everywhere. If you are lucky, you can meet a parade on the road in the afternoon. The breeze in the beach is really relaxing and nice. You can play banana boat and speed boat. It's 600-900 B per hour. It depends on how you deal with the price. 

For some information, it's pretty hard to communicate with people in English, but people are so friendly so don't be afraid. People can understand, some can speak English but for citizens on street you can't hope much. You can use your gesture or learn a bit Thai. It sounds difficult but you can make use of it after 2 or 3 days. 

Remember! You should buy at least a Sim card for phone, so it will be easier to communicate if you do not travel alone. Card is pretty cheap, 49 B per card with 50 B credit inside. 


Sunday, 8 July 2012


From Left: M16, L85, FNC, SG550
Summer anime of 2012 will be soon released, this anime is Spring anime. Last time I write a description about Ano Hana. Now, for those who like history and weapons especially guns in World War, this is a best choice of anime. In the beginning of the anime, I thought this one is a romance, but surprisingly this is totally anime with so much specification about troops, war, armor, guns and even it contains several countries which is well known as armor industries (Belgium, Swiss, Switzerland, UK, US, Taiwan, Israel and so on). Kitsune Tennouji (the manga writer) serves you a boring history in different way, guns, armors turn into cute high school girls with special skill and ability, this anime even explain the physical material of armor and transforms it into these cute girls physic. Example, L85 gun, made in England, a gun which is well known as easily broken gun because it jams after hundred of thousand times shot, although it has several disadvantages,  not to mention, it also has benefit, its holder made by plastic so it is light to be bring everywhere and that is the reason until today, UK armies are still using it.  Each girls has the same name as the gun type such as SG550 (Switzerland), FNC (Belgium), M16 (America), L85 (UK), Galil (Israel) and so on. In some ocassion, they call each other with code name, example FNC as Fukko, L85 as Eru-chan, SG550 as Sig etc (mostly Japanese names, lols~).

Episode count: 10   
Genre: Action, Seinen, Comedy
FNC, an unusual high school girl is walking in a summer bazaar and meet two children who are aiming a gift in gun play. The stall owner refuses to give the prize because the prize does not totally collapse. FNC help those kids and manage to let the prize collapse with one shot, unfortunately the stall owner refuse and make reason of FNC uniform, Seishou Academy, a famous academy in its reputation as best military school.

Suddenly, a transfer Japanese teacher look at them and become a volunteer to aim the prize and admits that he is totally an amateur. This guy holds the gun in elegant and in his action with cool pose, he even amazes FNC who is pro in shooting. But.... He failed. In the middle of the summer festival and talk each other, in the fact this Japanese guy is a transfer student to Seishou Academy where FNC and friends live. When FNC go upstairs in a public place, this Japanese guy notices that FNC wears a thong and suggests her to be best to wear underpant rather than thong to prevent her to get cold. FNC who is mad of him shot him with her gun uncontrolly. So the story begins how crazy the school and the students are according to the new transfer student.
My first impression, hmmm.. this anime is unique, funny and yeah quite enjoyable. The story featured in an Academy, a city and mostly Japanese architecture style in common.
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Friday, 6 July 2012

Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

This anime has a tearing ending, I love it very much! I really recommend you to watch this anime, especially for those who like slice of life genre anime.

Episode count: 11 
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life
The story starts with a usual boy name Yadomi Jinta. Yadomi lives with his father and lost her mother when he was a kid because of disease. Yadomi stopped to go to school because everybody thinks he is weird and unsociable. He is ignorant and selfish, eating, playing games and sleeping; the routine flows just like that every day. One day, Menma, Jinta childhood friend appears, it surprisingly amazes Jinta because Menma has died when she was a kid because of an accident.  

Menma comes to Jinta’s life because she cannot go back to Nirvana and only Jinta and the other childhood friends can grant it to help her rest peacefully, it is to reunite all her friends. Jinta starts to go back to his old life, Jinta who is brave, responsible and attractive with his new life tries to find his friends who are included in Super Peace Busters team (Menma, Jinta, Anaru, Yukiatsu, Tsuruko and Poppo). 

Things do not go well, Jinta must gather all the members or Menma will not able to rest peacefully. Anaru who gets into unpopular school, makes friends with naught and ditch the school every day, never believes that Menma comes again to her lives. Deeply inside, Anaru loves Jinta but feels that she always loses her loves even though Menma has died and thought that Jinta is insane. On the other hand, Anaru actually feels satisfied when Menma died, but even Menma has died she still cannot attract Jinta to her life. 

From Left: Tsuruko, Poppo< Yuki, Menma, Anaru, Jinta
Yukiatsu and Tsuruko go to popular and high class school, Yukiatsu never forgets Menma and still put his love interest in her but he is too jealous and questioning why Menma only appears to Jinta and not him. Yukiatsu has been depressed for several years and always blames himself that he causes Menma died. Tsuruko loves Yukiatsu, but she always thinks that she has lost since the beginning to Menma and hurts herself to give up on Yukiatsu. Differently, Poppo wants to help Jinta in case he wants Menma to forgive him not to help her in the incident of her death.  

My first impression? THIS IS A TOTALLY GOOD ANIME! Sometimes you will tear up, I guess. It's a good anime and recommended to watch. The background is in a city, and Chichibu bridge is featured in the anime. Nice at all.

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Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Well, summer anime mostly are in preparing to release and this is the time for me to give you several summary of spring anime. Last time I write down about Tasogare X Amnesia , today I will write a summary about Sankarea.

I have watched this anime until episode 10, so today I will finish it to the end. So far, frankly speaking this is a weird anime. Well, a lovely complex between a zombie and a zombie maniac. I do agree this is an unique anime, the plot is slice of life but zombie makes it fascinating. 

Genre: Ecchi, Horror, Romance, Comedy, Shounen, Supernatural
Episode count: 12
Chihiro Furuya
The story begins with Chihiro Furuya, a boy who loves zombie (he has complete collection of zombie DVD in his room with accessories and other things, he even dreams to kiss a zombie and make friends with them).  Chihiro lives with his father, grandpa, his sister and Babu (a cat). His father is a single parent because when Chihiro was young, his mother died in accident. Without his mother disciple, Chihiro grows differently and makes him lack of friends. In other life, Rea, a girl who is daughter of school's headmaster and becomes a role model for every students, studies across of Furuya's school. Although people around her really admiring her but she never feels happy because she thought everybody makes freind of her because his father is a nobleman. One day, Babu, Chihiro's cat died in an accident, Chihiro was very upset and decided to resurrect Babu secretly in  an old building. In the same time, Rea always comes to that old building every night and screams aloud her sadness in an old well. 
Chihiro notices what Rea did every night and they become friends. Chihiro practices occultism and find a potion to resurrect Babu but he is lacking of a poisonous plant. Rea promises to help Furuya to resurrect Babu by finding a poisonous plant around her mansion. The next day, Rea brings her favorite blue flower and asked Furuya to make the potion. Furuya gave it to Babu's body but nothing happens. They decide to gather the next day to bury Babu.
Rea's father sneaks on Rea's secret relationship and chases Rea not to ever get out from the mansion, Rea ran to a cliff to meet Furuya but she falls down and died. The fact, Rea drank the same potion that Furuya makes for Babu and it works, Rea becomes a zombie and the real story begins. 
Rea becomes a zombie after her death

My first impression, I was terribly shocked with the plot, it's so funny and unpredictable. The background is in a small city in Japanese style with some cultural point inside.

Well, by reading this, I hope you can get some description about it.
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Monday, 2 July 2012

A Poem of Broken Hearted Ex-girlfriend

To the left to the right
To the east to the west
My heartbeat never ends
My lip burns like hell in flames

A picture of you and a babe
With reddish cheeks oval shape
Hanging beside you like a honey bear
But a foolish foe for me used to be peer

You smile and she blushes
I peek and it's only toilet flushes
You look fool, she laughs in happy
Poor you who never notice my reality

You called it a fantastic romantic affair
I witnessed it as a jerky damn unfair
You say I was blind comparing to her
I say you were fucking with coroner     

Everything you said to me is a lie
In the last minute you smile for a bye
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!  
I have seen Lucifer, your friend pops up

Last time you said you love me
This time you say honey come to me
Poor you, bragging brainlessly
Hoping for my sincerity tastelessly 

I want to resurrect like a rose of Jericho
From my deeply sadness and to undergo
To tear up parts of your organ as a routine
To knock down your soul and drag it into a coffin

To bury one’s head in the sand
With my happiest eyes I will stand
To heal my love for wrong five pennies guy
And to make him deserves through wrong way

Hey Teddy boy, now you are losing amour, right?
I hope it comes true you regret for every night 
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Sunday, 1 July 2012

6 Best Tearing Anime Ever

1. Clannad : After Story
This anime is TOTALLY tearing!!!!!!!! I watched it and I cried so many times. It is so sad. Clannad : After Story is the second season of Clannad. It is a combo tearing anime, you should watch it from first season. Frankly speaking, this anime changes my view of my life. I start to be more grateful than before. Love this anime very much.

Genre : School life, romance, slice of life
Plot of the story :
It starts with Okazaki Tomoya, a delinquent who is falling in love with a girl named Furukawa Nagisa. Nagisa has a disease that makes her to restudy in third grade of high school. She met Tomoya and they get along with the support of their friends around to reopen the drama class. Nagisa is a fragile, sentiment girl, always indecisive with her decision while Tomoya is an ignorant boy and hates his father so much. He put off his dream being a basketball player because of the incident when he fought with his father and cause his right arm malfunctioned. So much things happened in the year, and they are facing their last examination, Nagisa is in her bad conditon that she is suffering in her ill while Tomoya doesn't want to graduate without Nagisa.
Okazaki Tomoya, Nagisa Furukawa
In second season, Nagisa must restart her education while Tomoya has graduated and tried to find a job. He ended up to work as a baker in Nagisa's father bakery. Tomoya and Nagisa married and have a living, not long after that Nagisa is pregnant. But her condition gets worst and make her to choose whether to have an abortion or protect their only child.   


2. Ano Hana (The Flower We Saw That Day)

I cannot bear not to cry anymore. This is really really hilariously tearing!!! I don't what to say anymore with this one, the heroine sounds so kawaii. The last episode makes me spend 10 pieces of tissues, I think more than that.
Genre: Romance, comedy, slice of life
Plot of story:
Here are 6 childhood best friends, Jinta, Menma, Anjo, Yukiatsu, Poppo and Chiriko. Like a common simple childhood friends, these children spend their child life commonly. Jinta is the leader because he is so brave and Menma loves her so much so did Anjo. On the other hand Yukiatsu loves Menma but he does not realize that Chiriko like him while Poppo is the comedy person here. One day, they stay in a wooden room near the river as their base camp, everyday they goes there and here they play a game where they should be honest to each other. Yukiatsu and Poppo force Jinta to say who he loves while Anjo hopes she will be. Unpredictably, Jinta refuses to say that he likes Menma and Menma only laughs and remains silence. On the same day, Menma plays near the river while all her friends are still in the conflict about the honesty game. Menma was dead and all her friends separate each other with their own reasons to be guilty on hating Menma. Ten years later, Menma ghost appears in front of Jinta and asks for his help to let her rest peacefully after life by fixing all the relationship of all the 6 members of their old friends.  

3. Air TV
I still remember so many people are talking about this anime two years ago. The peak of the last ending is that the heroine dies. Really hate it. It is so tearing.  
Genre:  Slice of life, Supernatural
Plot of the story:
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey, seeking a girl with wings who flies in the sky, as mentioned in a childhood tale. During this journey, he settles down in a small town, trying to make some money. There, he meets a strange girl named Misuzu. Misuzu quickly makes Yukito her friend and invites him to stay with her. Yukito decides to stay in the small town, and continue searching for the winged girl his mother had searched for in her life.

4. Angel Beats
For me, it is not really tearing, but so many people and some votes said so. The sad part is I actually found Otonashi's past the saddest part and there were lots of scenes that were just touching. Nice anime, but I don't really like the beginning, it's quite confusing.

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance
Plot of the story:
In a world after death, angels fight for their fate and their future. Yuri, the leader of the Shinda Sekai Sensen, rebels against the god who destined her to have an unreasonable life. On the otherhand, Tenshi, the chairperson of the student council for the world after death, battles against the SSS members. SSS members utilize armed weaponry to battle it out against the angels harnessing supernatural powers.

5. Kanon 2006
This anime is a remake of Kanon made in 2002. I never watch this one, I start to like anime since 2007, so I really did not notice this one, but when I browse and find several facts about this anime, people mostly vote for this anime as a tearing anime ever in 2006. From the background and the genre I think this one will be tearing.
Genre:  Comedy, Harem, Magic, Romance, Drama, Supernatural
Plot of the story:
Yuichi Aizawa returns to this city after seven years. In his childhood, he often visited it, but something happens in the past which caused him to block out his memories of the events of seven years ago. On the day after he gets settled in, he meets a girl carrying a backpack with wings on it. Her name is Tsukimiya Ayu and he begins to recall the memories he had lost which Ayu is the one who was in an accident falling from a tree when playing with Yuichi, and until the day Yuichi comes, Ayu's body is still in the hospital, sleeping on her dead bed but her spirit wandering around waiting for her only childhood friend and love.

6. Elfen Lied
Elfen lied is one of top 10 tearing anime ever according to votes. Hmm..Several images of this anime contains of flesh of human meat and so on, probably it's about sadism? Lols~

Genre : Drama, Romance, Supernatural

Plot of the story:

The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government.Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet.

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Mr. Pizza Manager, Pen Please!

Last week was a nice weekend ever! My mates in debate competition and our great coach, Sir Hendriek visited Bangkok city. We stayed for more than a week and we also had our holiday there. Once, we visited a pizza shop, Pizza Company. The menu are completely various and we were confused what to order. Finally we decided to order a pizza with cheesy chicken pizza with Thai style. 

We would like to visit Pattaya the next day, but we did not know which direction and where to go. We decided to ask the pizza manager (he has his emblem as a manager, OK?). 

"Mr. do you know how to go to Pattaya?", asked  Sir. He smiled and nodded, he opened his android phone and tracked the Google map for us. 

"It's around hmm.. 170 km", he said. 

"What is the name of the terminal sir if we want to go by bus?", asked my coach again.

"Hmm... Errr... Ekamai", he said.

"Pardon???", asked sir again.  

"Hmmm.... Ekamai, Ekamai is near from here", he replied.

"Sorry, pardon???", sir asked for several times. We could not listen clearly because the Thai accent is so clear so when he spoke English, we were quite confused.

"Owww..oww, okay, could you please write down the bus station name??", asked sir.

Mr. manager took a piece of small paper and gave it to us.

"Sorry sir, pen please?", sir asked.

The pizza manager took several pieces of paper again for us.

"Sir? I mean pen, pen", said sir with his confused face.

He took again a piece of paper and seemed very busy with his phone.

My friend and I were so confused and I laughed. 

Sir saw a pen in his pocket and in reflex he asked for the pen and took it, after that we asked him to write down the name. Mr. manager seemed confused and only stared at us why we took his pen.