Wednesday, 18 May 2016

You and Pizza

It is nowhere to be told,
there will be a moment we meet,
it feels like a sudden knock at late night,
comes of nowhere, goes of somewhere
Confused, yes...
Amazed, yes.....
Startled, yes......
What else? Cute and stupid you said
On my humble view,
I feel like waiting for a pizza delivery
from north pole, and have been waiting for years 
I think all the prays and hopes are granted
It is a truly a gift and long order I wish for
So what pizza are you????
A supreme Hawaiian pizza, my favorite
with pineapples and shredded chicken
sweet, sour and less cheese, little spicy
comes up with a funny packaging, so rigid
A strong person, like the roots of mahogany 
As active as radar, liquid and critical, reliable
A passionate personality, like a running wind 
A thinker, a crabby, a story teller...........
I feel like looking on the mirror
a person who I used to be,  it looks like me
actually losing some of them because of a tragedy
I laugh, with a little bit of envy and a pinch of pity
Where did my old self go and hide at this time?
Now I realize, I start getting back to my old self
after I have been caged by so many years
suppressing all what I have, what I wish
I thought it has been buried for a long time
but I was wrong, it is definitely not......
What I wish from our circumstances now on,
I want to eat the pizza, finish it, until I know the real taste
every little pinch of it, so I can understand the real taste
So I can understand more, so I can revive to my old self
and never miss this chance, after a long wait you come
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