The day turns colder here,
But I hope the heart is still warm
Mine is still bonded and bounded
because simply I carry your heart
No wonder everything turn different
Even five or twelve ticks time shows
Or ninety nine million miles far away
I still enjoy every little moment now on
There we two, unmitigated, happy in being
speaking little, perhaps less than a paragraph a day
Things which happens are simple, tiny and erasable
But only eyes and heart can speak within
feels either it is enjoyable or dreadful
Nevertheless, I will always cheer you up
Every day how our fingers type and move
two words, three seconds, one touch
chain of words we compose as our power
to keep strong and care each other
of course it isn't easy and never be easier
love alters not with its brief days and weeks
it demands deep understanding and trust
A simply love seeker can't be this game
we are not betting, we are building
Do you remember what was your purpose?
To start over and over again no matter how boring it is
You know sometimes things are broken and bleed
But that's fine, you capture someone unlike the other
Things will always brand new and exciting.
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