Saturday, 21 October 2017

Rotten Pride

I always look up and above,
seeking for dreams and hopes,
raising my voice in the echo,
writing my vows over the dew.

I wish I can fly up and up,
no matter how high I will be,
I will always be the queen or king,
top of the peak walking on the sea.

but I will always remember,
how consecutively I fall and be upset,
how God you lean me your shoulder I cry,
how pitiful I was thinking I am the best,
because I am no one more than a rotten pride.

How clueless I am to think everything is logical,
how disrespectful my lonely rhyme I sound,
because I am here and I am small,
because the wings I shine more has rippled up.

The life I share and I walk right now,
will be rotten to the soil and hustling on earth,
then and now I am one, I am skin and bones,
I am the rotten meat with a weak soul.

I am buried down here,
sleeping forever after,
gulping on my rotten pride,
and asking for love and sorry to You. 


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