Sunday, 15 April 2018

Dark Sides

You look so black and blue,
struggle to drink glasses of truth,
the night is still long and the sky is dull,
and the melancholy put you aside of the corner.

Your finger touch trembles and turns cold,
you said you feel a dark side and it swallows you,
not so easy and difficult like you sway nowhere,
getting inside a deep dark black hole.

even when I run to get you to the dark,
those eyes are never be the same anymore,
they are wicked, lonely and destructive,
in your smile you tell me to let you be yourself.

Couple times, thousand efforts and heats,
I want you to ride with me and make you believe,
it is not a right place for you and it is a lie,
but you push me hard and wipe my hopes.

Bad things never turn good,
but good things would be someday bad,
why is it a very ugly truth?
Isn't heart change people and give lights?
Isn't love can heal those scars and pains?

We have been there in a  quiet alley,
we sang a song and drunk under falling stars,
because you smile and we run on breezy night,
like that simple feeling make so paradise.

Now you say, you don't own me...........
let me be myself, I live my life you say,
I can only stare and keep saying no,
while the dark side always ease you.


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