Title: Froghog
Live a frog and a hog. Frog likes hog to hop. hey hog hey hog, where today we jog? hog replied hey frog hey frog, why ask me, I am not a dog! then frog ask hog to hop in front of a fog. they walk and tell joke until they saw a log on an oak. it said "No hog, no frog, if pass they will be chopped." their mind clog and remain to be unspoken. then frog thinks and pokes hog. Hey hog, hey hog, let's just go and hope. Hey frog hey frog, are you dumb to joke! we will be chopped! said hog almost like being choked. hey hog hey hog, don't worry let's hop. then they hop and meet a giant eagle croaks. Knock! Knock! Woo I like tasty hog and frog with a coke! then frog tell croaked eagle to stop. i am froghog, a poisonous speciment, don't eat froghog, you might choke to death, no joke! eagle stops to croak, fearing of being choked. so he lets froghog to pass the log. Froghog, the smart creature pass the fog, frog and hog then happily live surrounding the world.
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