What can you think about the first day we meet?
Like strangers and nobody care
everything you do seem wrong
But now after the long path
Come along the way we will begin
a new paper and start the love and care
This nothing turns into friendship
this friendship and then turn into brotherhood
This brotherhood turns into a bond of love
so I don't need friends and I call it as family
and now I always see you even so far
someday we come back and see you again
Your bad is my bad
your tear is also my tear
I share your pain, I share your lost
Your happiness is my pride
and your smile is everything of us
Anything brother, anything sister, I will be there
So when you come back,
we are not strangers anymore
so when you see me in the corner
you will remember and hug me tight
so when we are nowhere or around
you will laugh when it passes on your mind
it will be like that, it will be like that
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