Tuesday 6 November 2012

Bean Sprouts & Motivation!

This morning I had a nice homey breakfast from Mama, grilled prawn, tofu soup and a plate of hot rice. But unfortunately, my lunch box there was only rice and bean sprout with prawn and mushroom. When it was the time of rest at school, it is so disappointing; I thought it would be the same menu with my breakfast, probably my breakfast menu has been done by my brother I thought so. Really, I lost my appetite. It does not mean I dislike bean sprout badly, but mom always cook bean sprout with only a sprinkle of salt. It is quite tasteless, and I really did not want to imagine it.

When I have to finish my lunch box, my friend motivated me to eat although it is not delicious; they said I may not be so picky because outside there many people could not enjoy what I had. I turned my head and thought twice, yes.. I am so ungrateful, what a bad girl. So because of that motivation, I ate it until the last spoon. It reminds me now with something which I want to achieve, sometimes people around us are very important, I hope one day I can have the same feeling being motivated and be grateful of my life more and more. 

Thanks C:


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