Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Special Editon 2

Dear readers,
I have passed my high school! *Yeiy!! And I will face my university life next month. Today I took my graduation report, and I am pretty satisfied with it. Not to mention, all these achievements won’t be just like today if people around me do not support the way they did before.
I wish to thank a lot of people, but it’s uncountable. LOL~
So here, I really want to thank for those I dear the most, for those I respect the most, for everybody, for my parents, teachers, for my friends, SPL members and so on.
So here I would like to give my special thanks and sorry perhaps if there isn’t your name.
  1. My mighty God.  
  2. My dearest parents, sibling and family. 
  3. Sir Hendriek Hassan and all SPL members (seniors, juniors, my team mate, or even future members) especially Ciput, Wino, Cokro, Melvin, SAW, Bella, Edwin Salim, Fausta, Huiliana, the members in my era. 
  4. My awesome high school, Santu Petrus Pontianak, Indonesia. 
  5. All teachers who has made me turn to be like this, especially (Sir Agustinus Arnaldo (greatest, most wonderful history teacher ever ever), Sir Hendriek Hassan (our beloved SPL coach, my English teacher and our gang leader), Mrs.Lidwina (my greatest religion teacher of my life), Mr.Souvar, Mrs.Puji Lestari (my civil mentor and who teach me the roots of law), Mdm.Lely H (Our most favorite English teacher, humorous and easygoing), Mr. Sodikin (Our honorable geography teacher, I like geography and get good point since he taught me), Mrs.Agustina Tandililing (our mother of Sociology, even though sometimes her lesson is just so frustrating, but with her I overcome everything), Mrs. Puspawardani (our vice head master who always support me in every competition and mentor me in math lesson although I dislike math for the entire of my life), Mr.Hendry Bonardy (the most awesome math teacher too, at least I understand all his material even though he is always absence for the class in order of basketball mission) and many more.  
  6. All my dearest close friends, my friends, anyone who I have just known and I could not mention all of you one by one.
Thanks for mentoring me, thank to support me, from my deepest heart, I am really really sorry if I ever disappoint you guys, if I ever make you upset, make you irritated and even dissatisfied of my work. I get the knowledge and the soul to be a good person personally and it can be happen without you. I promise to work harder and be the one you guys hope, and you guys teach me. I know I am on the right path, right direction and may all your prays beyond this future always be with me. Again, from my deepest heart, I pray for you guys, may God always be with you, may all the prosperity and happiness always be with you. Amen.


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