Sunday 10 July 2011

Gray Fullbuster

Gray Fullbuster
In my long holidays I watched Fairy Tail Anime, well I watched until 85 episodes already+ 2 side stories, and I really loved Gray-sama.. Hwaaa…  Ice Make Lance!~ *Duaaaarrrgh… Hahahhaa…. The first time I watch Fairy Tail Anime, I really admire Gray. At least he is cool, smart and strong. I hope someday there will be a man like him,, hahaha *imagine… Gray seems doesn’t focus to any girl in this serial, but Juvia (a girl with rain power) likes him. Well, it seems like Gray doesn’t pay any attention to Juvia, but both of them is match because Gray’s magic power is ice and Juvia’s is rain. Although Juvia is a bit gloomy at my first view, she is a good girl :D. If I am not mistaken, Fairy Tail is one of the five best anime. Well, I AM GRAY’S FAN oooo… He is 18 years old with dark blue hair or perhaps black and deep dark blue eyes, handsome? Of course!!! Hahhaaha~ Cool? Aye sir! 100% correct.. Gray is also Ul’s student, and another student of Ul is Lyon.
Juvia & Gray in Fairy Tail Parade
Gray lost his parents because of the monster named Deliora. It is said that Deliora is unbeatable, then Ul sacrificed herself to freeze Deliora. That is why Gray needs to survive to appreciate his master,Ul. In the other hand, Lyon wanted to melt down the ice that freezes Deliora while he doesn’t know that ice is Ul. Gray stopped Llyon and told him the truth; unfortunately, Lyon did not pay attention and still wanted to beat Deliora. Ul’s body melted because of the moon magic and at last Ul drowned Deliora’s body.
Gray teamed up with Lyon
Then Gray is still in Fairy Tail while Lyon joins Lamia Scale and teamed up to fight against Racer. So  many things that is interesting here! One of the bad habit from Gray is stripping. It is because of Ul that teached him to unite with ice and his body. Sometimes, we will watch Gray stripping with his pants or so on, that is why Natsu called him stripping panties guy.. *Ugh, awful.. The worst one, in the 1st side story, there is full stripping Gray from behind side.. *AWFUL AT ALL (0_0)”.
Well, I give 2 thumbs up for fairy tail serial and of course I still like Gray even he has bad habit, hha…


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