Monday 5 September 2011

About Writer On September

Yo readers, :)
This September brings happiness for me. I do not know why, but I feel so. Here is a list everything I wish on September :
  • I hope I can finish my thesis and history paper well
  • Since I get into social class, I know I need adaptation, I know I am fighting now, but I hope I can have more fun in a year
  • I know I always try to be best, but sometimes I notice that people will not like me such a perfectionist, I hope I can change my attitude well. 
  • I have  a lot of friends in Science class, but I have just started a new one, I wish I can have more and more. 
  • I have a competition this month, hope it will be best for me to fight well with my team.
  • I want to learn how to have a responsibility in money, I will start to learn how to use my money efficiently.
  • You know, every hope comes more and more every day. I just need to limit it as soon as possible. 
For the best of my future,


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