Sunday 4 August 2013

Date A Live

Yo readers! Come up with another anime review, sorry I don't post much lately. Well, I watch Date A Live several days ago after downloading all the series. I love Yoshino, one of the character who is Hermit spirit. She is so cute!

Genres: Supernatural, romance
Episode: 12 
Tohka, "The Princess" spirit
One day there is a natural phenomenon called as spacequake destroy more than 150 million people. After that happens, now on in humans life, such phenomenon pops of recently and follow by the appearance of spirits. Shido Itsuka, a common student has a promise to pick her sister up after the school time to have a lunch together, several minutes before the promise time, a spacequake appears and everyone is evacuated forcibly includes Shido and friends at school. Shido who remembers about his promise, he tries to connect on his sister but it fails. When he detects his sister's GPS, his sister is waiting nearby in the restaurant they are promising on. Shido who is feared by his sister's life, he runs out from the evacuation and seeks for his dearest sister. Suddenly, exactly a spacequake pops up in front of him and he saw a spirit, the strongest spirit called "The Princess". The spirit tends to kill Shido, but when Shido looks on her eyes, he saw a deep loneliness of "The Princess" spirit. Not long after that meet, He also learns that Kotori, his sister is the commander of the airship Fraxinus, crewed by the organization Ratatoskr. Now, to support his sister, he learns how to talk with the spirit and helps "The Princess" and the other spirits to seal their power and to have a life of common human.   

 Well, pretty worthy to be watched, nice plot, funny jokes and beautiful spirits indeed! 

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