Friday 5 August 2011

3 Polite Ways to Break Relationship/Boyfriends (Requested Topic)

Hi readers.. eeee.... this topic is requested from one of my friends, so agree or not, I should publish it :D Well, let me warn u before hand, I do not teach you how to break your boyfriend up, and I am not such a cruel monster, this topic only help you to be polite and more friendly, have a nice view :D

Problems: There are so many girls use cruel way to break their boyfriend up, it is terrible or even hurtful. I mean why we do such a cruel thing to the people who have ever placed in our own heart. So this is 10 ways to break your boyfriends in good way.

1. Speak directly
Agree or not, you are who want this moment and you are who hope this. So bravely a girl also need 2 talk directly. Remember to be polite and do not use any violence. Remember, what he needs is your reasonable answer clearly. Be honest and tell all the truth, sometimes you will find it is wrong to break up.

2. Talk not face 2 face
If you are not the type of brave girl, u may use ur mobile phone. As the technology develops so fast, there are so many ways to tell the truth. Please avoid cruel words. You can start like this:
"I believe you are the best boyfriend I have ever had, unfortunately I am not the lucky one, my parents do not agree with our relationship, I understand it more than them, so I am really sorry, we need to end it today.. forgive me..".
At least to end this up, he smiles before fills in sadness. Remember to be clear and simple, just reach to the conclusion as soon as possible.

3. Write down
In my humble opinion, I am trying to say this, people usually do not like if you write down what you do not like, it is not good to tell the truth just write it down on a piece a paper. it will begin for a new assumption, everyone can write such a reasonable writing, so it is not trusted, so you must give the letter directly and never appear in front of him. Of course, you must write clearly and reasonably.  Keep your writing tidier, so you show your appreciation to him and feel really sorry.

Friends, every relationship doesn't work well sometimes, but it doesn't mean we need to have a revenge and counter back what he have done to us with violence and cruel words. Use reasonably answers and tell all the truth, it is fine for you to cry aloud and say sorry for the first time. After that you also may regret what you have done and have some reviews lovely moments.Even I never feel such a moment, at least I try to understand ur position It's common for us to regret for such things, but remember this life has not end yet.



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