Sunday 29 January 2012

Chinese Culture (TiongHua): 7 Kind of Vegetables in Chinese New Year

Still in the event of Chinese New Year, today is the seventh day and unfortunately I see something unique on the table for my breakfast. All the greens are mixed up in a bowl. I am so curious what it is so I asked my mom about that. There is a tradition of Chinese people to eat 7 kind of greens/ green vegetables all mixed up in one dish. 
I wonder what the meaning is so that I ask my mom again. Mom said it symbolizes the prosperity of beginning year, meaning in first week of Chinese New Year you can eat all kinds of vegetables and hopefully you can do so in a year. So we are not lacking of any food in first week of new year.
Cooking this 7 greens dish is not as hard as I imagined. You just need to buy some greens in groceries, wash it clean and saute it for a while add some seasoning and water. Perhaps you can make it in salad with oil, may be it will be more delightful. 
I reckon that Chinese tradition is unique and complicated, even sometimes it needs a lot preparation but the meaning is as deep as sea. For those who believe and still in this tradition, I really hope that we can conserve all kinds of this tradition for the future. For those who has just known about that, I really welcome you to know more.


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